1. Biting off more than you can chew : 2. Spending more than you earn is one of the most damaging financial habits. Getting debts and massive credit card bills will become a routine for you. In such situations, planning investment will be a farfetched dream. 3. Bad Credit score: 4. Not paying bills on time is very bad for your credit score. Late payments of bills like water, electricity, or other monthly bills, marks you negatively. This habit can backfire if you apply for a home or business loan in the future. 5. Credit card as free money: 6. If your credit card bills and overdraft in banks are enormous, you won’t save from your salary. All your money will flow in paying debts and regular monthly expenses. Avoid this scenario as much as you can. 7. ...
I love charts nothing else...Full time trader Banknifty adicted....Financial analyst, Trading in my blood, Hobbies:: Playing Cricket, Table Tennis, Reading books. Trading and Analysis since 2006.